Brasserie on the Eighth (28 – 30 SEP)
Garden Café (3 – 9 OCT)
Enquiry: (852) 2822 5777 /
Korean wave hits Conrad Hong Kong this year from local favourites to the cutting-edge, highlighting the aroma of the prime seasonal forest ingredients and the premium quality Hanwoo.
This year Korean Gastronomy Festival is anchored by the renowned Chef Kwon Woo Joong at Brasserie on the Eighth. He is looking to bewilder Hong Kong gourmands likewise – the modern Korean fare he cooks up provokes imagination of his native culture from 28 to 30 September.
Korean chefs from Conrad Seoul will also make guest appearance at Garden Café from 3 to 9 October in a buffet transporting the best of the country’s authentic traditional specialities including Korean BBQ.
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